A week of not drinking, no big thing. Really, more then anything, I missed the ritual. Coming home after a long day at work, nothing puts me at ease like a tasty craft beer. I drank a lot of tea that week to sub in. The week seemed to drag on too. It felt like two weeks. Sobriety, however, is not what I'd like to talk about in this blog post. No, let's talk about urban legends. A while back, someone had told me that only US beers had twist off caps and that all imports had pry off caps. This did not sit right with me. I kept checking my imports for twist offs, but I couldn't find one. Finally, after many years of searching, I found my jackalope. I got a beers of the world box for Christmas. In it was a Peruvian beer called Franca, and lo and behold, a twist off cap. Myth busted. The beer, by the way, had expired back in April. I took one sip and immediately poured it out. It tasted pilsner like, only kinda old and dull, and sweet, but not the good malty sweet. More like old corn syrup. I was kinda bummed because I had never had a beer from South America, let alone Peru. Hopefully one day I will get a good South American beer. I've read good things about Argentinean beer.
The Man With The Iron Fists----Official Review...
12 years ago
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