I haven't posted on this thing in awhile. Why is that. I've been drinking lots of good beers. I've started to write about some of them. I even made a video or two. But every time I finish writing or recording a beer review I think about how lame beer reviewing is. There are more than several beer reviewers out there on the blog circuit and on youtube. Some are better than others. Some are boring, some are insightful, some are charismatic, and some are goobers (which can be either good or bad). Almost all, however, are formulaic. They always give a run down of 1.appearance, 2. aroma, 3.flavor, and then some overall ranking. That shit is lame. I like reading about beer. I like watching beer related videos, but really, I don't care about your personal taste or opinion. I want to experience beer for myself and I really don't need to be told which beers are good or bad. I can figure that out for myself. If you are going to post something, make it at least somewhat original. I can't tell you how many beer bloggers are out there with the same post a million times in a row with just the beer switched out. A. no one cares what you think. B. you are boring. That's why I appreciate dudes like Don Osborn, who have more to say then just the obvious: AROMA 8/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 8/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 16/20. So I'm gonna try to come up with some more original shit to put on here. But if you want straight up beer reviews, there are mad dudes out there doing that stuff. I can tell you what I like, but I doubt anyone really cares.
The Man With The Iron Fists----Official Review...
12 years ago