So I have a bunch of Sierra Nevada related stuff to blog about. First off, I saved a celebration ale from January and drank it last week. I thought that it would be a nostalgic, yet refreshing, beverage to drink in the comforts of a less then efficient air conditioner on a ninety plus degree evening in the middle of a heat wave. Well, it wasn't. The flavors and aroma were a bit muted and it didn't taste very fresh. All in all it was a bit of a let down. It didn't taste like a Christmas tree. More like an old IPA. Still it wasn't unpleasant to drink and it was definitely better then the tanic clone me and Adam attempted back in the spring.
You know what isn't tanic or disappointing? The Sierra Nevada 30th anniversary series. The first beer was the bomb. It was an imperial stout brewed by Ken Grossman of Sierra and Fritz Maytag of Anchor Steam. Super delicious. The second beer was an Imperial Helles Bock. A very good lager brewed by Ken, and hombrew/craft brew pioneers Charlie Papazian and Fred Eckhart. Both dope beers. I can't wait for the next one. Its gonna be a really big American barley wine. I will do a retrospective once all four beers have been released. Hopefully in video form.
Next order of business. I would really love to get my hands on the collaboration between Sierra and Dogfishhead. Life & limb is an American strong ale clocking in at over 10%. It utilizes maple and birch syrups, as well as estate grown barley. It was released last fall and basically all horded up at this point. I am willing to trade whatever it takes to get my hands on it. I have several Stone 12th anniversaries. I have some Brooklyn black chocolate stouts from 07-08. I have several Sierra 30th anniversaries. Other then that I don't have much to trade. I don't know if anybody reads this blog beyond my close friends, but if a beer guy stumbles upon this post, and you have a spare life and limb, hit me up. That would truly be a Christmas July.